2016 IEEE International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and
Programming for Autonomous Robots, San Francisco, Dec 13-16

Technical Tour: Robotics Labs at Stanford University and UC Berkeley

Co-organized by WAFR 2016 and SIMPAR 2016

On Saturday,  December 17, WAFR and SIMPAR attendees are invited to join technical tours of robotics labs at UC Berkeley and Stanford University. Tickets are available for transportation between the Parc 55 Hotel, Stanford, and Berkeley for a fee of $70, including lunch. Tickets are sold on a first-come-first-serve basis. This fee is NOT included in the conference and workshop fees of SIMPAR and WAFR.

Get your ticket here.

Stanford University UC Berkeley


Time Scheduled Event
8:15 Boarding (Parc 55 Hotel, 55 Cyril Magnin St)
8:30 Bus departure
8:45 Pick up WAFR attendees (Hotel Vitale, 8 Mission St)
9:45 Arrival at Stanford University (kindly see map below)
10:00 Technical Tour S1 : Cutkosky Lab (Liaison: Hannah Stuart)
11:00 Technical Tour S2 : Pavone Lab (Liaison: Edward Schmerling)
12:00 Technical Tour S3 : Khatib Lab (Liaison: Gerald Brantner and Brian Soe)
13:00 Lunch: Room 104, Gates Building, Stanford University
14:00 Departure from Stanford University
15:30 Arrival at UC Berkeley (Liaison: Roy Fox)
17:45 Departure from UC Berkeley
18:30 Arrival at Hotel Vitale
18:45 Arrival at Parc 55 Hotel

Lunch is included in the tour fee.

Technical Tour Map for Stanford:


Technical Tour Map for Berkeley:
